Each year, millions of people around the world participate in Random Acts of Kindness Day. Started in New Zealand by one man who wanted to make a difference, the concept spread until it became an internationally-observed day. We at Al’s Florist are glad to help you celebrate kindness any day of the year, but we are especially happy to provide you with creative ideas and gifts on this special day. On February 17th, we are all challenged to show a little kindness to the world around us.
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams
We never know what affect our one act of kindness will lead to. Imagine handing out daisies to everyone you meet today, and each of those people being inspired to do something nice for someone else. Or consider how happiness would spread if you presented coffee gift cards to the crossing guards and teacher’s aides at your child’s school! The possibilities are endless, and you never know what sort of difference you might be making in the world. Whether you pay for the next person in line at the drive-thru or leave a beautiful fruit basket on a new neighbor’s doorstep, chances are your good deed will have a beautiful impact.
Did You Know? Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated on February 17th here in the United States, but globally the day takes place on different dates throughout the year,
Think of how much fun you can have while spreading kindness all across Hollywood. Stop into Al’s Florist for s, gifts, balloons, and of course, creative ideas and a friendly smile. On February 17th, pass the kindness along – you never know what kind of impact we might have on the world.