Al's Florist

Al's Florist

Posted by Vicky Rotunno on July 17, 2023 | Last Updated: November 11, 2024 Inspired by Flowers Special Occasions

A Guide to Receiving “Just Because” Flowers from Your Partner 

While there are many ways that your partner can make you feel loved and appreciated, there is something truly special about receiving a bouquet of fresh flowers that caters to your individual preferences. No matter the type of flower, whether a symbolic bloom or your favorite stem, they’re good for your health, they showcase the elegant beauty of nature, and they infuse your space with bright colors and delicate fragrances. That’s on top of upping the romance factor in your relationship, preserving the magic you felt from the very beginning.

Although this is not uncommon on occasions like Valentine’s Day – the mother of all romantic holidays – sometimes getting beautiful blooms with a sweet card message “just because” can feel even more special. Let the floral experts at Al’s Florist, the top flower shop in Hollywood, FL, help you manifest your flower desires.

When to Hint to Your Partner That You Want Flowers

  1. It’s your birthday
  2. It’s your half birthday
  3. It’s your fur baby’s birthday
  4. It’s Friday night “floral time”
  5. You’re celebrating an educational milestone
  6. You got a promotion/raise
  7. You didn’t get that promotion, and you need a pick-me-up
  8. It’s National Girlfriend Day
  9. It’s Womancrush Wednesday
  10. They’re about to go on a business trip, and you’ll be home alone/home with the kids
  11. You just got home from a trip without your partner
  12. You bought a new house/moved into a new place
  13. You’ve just finished spring cleaning (finally) and want to spruce up the living room
  14. You finished a home renovation
  15. You’ve been killing it with the weeknight dinners
  16. You’re having an at-home date night
  17. You’re celebrating an anniversary (any kind!)
  18. You had a hard week
  19. You got good medical news
  20. You were finally able to troubleshoot and solve a problem

How to Drop Hints

  1. Comment on someone else’s flowers
  2. Educate them on flowers in your favorite local shop
  3. Talk about your favorite flowers/point them out at your local florist. Say, “If you’re looking to buy me flowers, these have always been my favorite(s).”
  4. Just tell them, “I would really love some fresh flowers in the house.” You have a 50% chance of getting the hint across.
  5. Try again and make sure they hear you this time. Stare them in the eyes, and tell them with a serious face, “Surprises and receiving flowers are important to me, and it would make me happy to get at least one floral arrangement a month. I have set a reminder on your calendar with a list of my favorite seasonal blooms for you to use as a guide.”

When to Buy Yourself Flowers

  1. Your partner didn’t get the hint
  2. You’re single, and you deserve a bouquet, too
  3. The divorce is finalized
  4. You want to impress a crush, Cher Horowitz style
  5. You have a fancy bottle of wine to enjoy
  6. You had an amazing hair day
  7. You got a fresh mani-pedi
  8. You hit a financial milestone
  9. It’s finally the weekend
  10. It’s self-care Sunday
  11. Miley Cyrus inspired you
  12. The house is finally clean
  13. You’ve redecorated
  14. The kids are at Grandma’s for the weekend
  15. You’ve had a hard day
  16. You’ve had the best day
  17. Taylor Swift’s concert sold out, and you need a pick-me-up
  18. You survived another daylight savings
  19. Summer is just around the corner
  20. Your favorite flowers are back in season

You don’t need to wait for a single day in February to be surprised with a magical flower arrangement that makes your soul happy. The seasoned professionals here at Al’s Florist in Hollywood, FL know that, so let our savvy tips guide you to floral abundance all year round “just because.”