The symmetry of a flower is not lost on those architects who look to nature for inspiration. Here at Al’s Florist, we’ve assembled a list of the most amazing architectural buildings that were designed to resemble a flower. The symbolism and the unique form of these structures are an awe-inspiring sight to behold.

Wuhan. Wuhan New Energy Centre. Photo: Soeters Van Eldonk

Calla Lily
Wuhan, China
Inspired by the elegant Calla Lily, the Wuhan Energy Flower building is a research facility for new sources of energy and houses the energy center of Wuhan. This innovative, stunning, and artistic building guarantees zero carbon emissions. The remarkable design is also functional in that the roof of the flower hangs over the main section of offices so that during the hottest days of summer they are in its shadow. Plus, the face of the flower is tilted towards the sun, and with a surface covered in solar panels, it captures the energy of the sun. If that weren’t enough, the vertical “pistil” has wind turbines to harness the energy of the wind, and the roof also captures rainwater which is used to supply water throughout the building. At the base of the structure are laboratories shaped like leaves surrounding the flower.

Lotus Blossom

Lotus Temple, Dehli

Lotus Temple view from above
Delhi, India
The Baha’i House of Worship, more commonly known as the Lotus Temple, is an architectural marvel that is designed after the lotus blossom flower. There are three levels of nine petals each, with the top two levels curving inwards towards the dome and the lower level curving outward with the petal creating a canopy over each of the nine entrances. The exterior is cladded in marble giving a shimmering effect to the structure in the daylight. The interior of the dome is supported by nine arches and a series of skylights are at the apex. The effect is supposed to resemble how light enters into the lotus blossom. The exterior pools bring fresh cool air into the temple which houses up to 2,500 people. Also these nine reflecting pools which surround the structure give the illusion that the Lotus Temple is floating on water. The Baha’i faith believes in the Oneness of Religions so this temple is welcome to all people of all different faiths, religions, or race. There are no idols or ritualistic ceremonies performed, just a welcoming ambiance for people who want to find inner peace.

Lotus Inspired Conference Center in Wujin, China
Wujin Lotus Conference Center
Wujin, China
This Conference Center has three buildings each designed in a different stage of the lotus flower, from bud, to ripe flower, to fully blossomed.

Qizhong Tennis Center
Qizhong Tennis Center
The retractable roof of this stadium spirals open resembling a blossoming magnolia flower.