If you have a special bouquet or an especially beautiful floral arrangement, there’s no reason you have to let them wilt. Instead, you can dry them and enjoy them forever! Our flower experts at Al’s Florist in Hollywood, Florida, put together a list of all the best methods for drying flowers. Depending on the amount of time you have and the type of supplies available to you, you can choose the most convenient method.

Dried Pink Roses
Five Simple Ways to Dry Flowers
1. Hang Dry
Hanging flowers to dry requires several days, but is the most traditional method and the best way to preserve both the shape and color of flowers. To hang dry flowers, gather their stems and tie with string. Then tie the other end of the string to a stick, beam, or clothes hanger. Then simply hang them up and wait until all the moisture is gone. To preserve your bouquet’s color, be sure to hang your flowers in a location where they won’t receive direct sunlight.

Hanging Dried Flowers
2. Dehydrate
If you own a dehydrator, you can use it to dry flowers, as well as foods. Be sure your flowers are arranged so none of them overlap. Set the dehydrator to about 100-degrees and allow flowers to dry for several hours.
3. Oven
Flowers can also be dried in the oven. Cover a cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper and preheat your oven to its lowest setting. Arrange the flowers on the cookie sheet so that they do not touch. After placing them in the oven, leave the door cracked to allow moisture to evaporate. Keep a close eye on your flowers, as they dry. Most will need between eight to twelve hours to dry completely.

Bouquet of Dried Roses
4. Microwave
With the right supplies, you can dry flowers with your microwave. You’ll need a large microwave-safe container and enough silica sand to fill it. First remove unwanted leaves and trim your flower stems to fit the container. Arrange them in the container and cover them completely with silica sand. Put them in the microwave with a cup of water and microwave them in 30-second intervals. You’ll need to check on them after each 30 seconds because each type of flower will dry at a different rate. Most need about two or three minutes total.

Dried Peach Roses
5. Car Trunk
If you don’t plan to drive anywhere, you can dry flowers in the trunk of your car on a hot, sunny day. Either wrap them bouquet-style with paper or lay them out on a sheet of parchment. Close the trunk and wait until sundown, when they should be ready.
Which Flowers Are the Best Ones to Dry?

Wondrous Beauty Luxury Bouquet
You can preserve just about any type of flower either by drying or pressing. Choosing the best method really depends on the flower’s structure and how you plan to display the dried flowers. Drying works best when you want to preserve a flower’s natural shape and for flowers with thicker blooms, like roses. On the hand, flowers with naturally flat blooms, like daisies, pansies, or asters, will press beautifully. Pressed flowers are quite delicate, but they can be displayed in botanical frames or even decoupaged onto a jewelry box or other wooden object.

Bouquet of Dried Flowers in Glass Vase
At Al’s Florist, our flower experts can help you choose the best flowers for all your dried flower projects and provide you with tips on the best ways to preserve your special floral bouquets. We welcome you to stop by our flower shop any time to speak with a florist.