The type of flowers you tend to like most can say a lot about your personality, so in consideration of Women’s History Month, Hollywood’s top Florist shop, Al’s Florist is looking into the favorite flowers of a few notable female celebrities of today. Keep reading to see if your favorite flower is among them.

Anne Hathaway – Anemones
A versatile actress with numerous awards, it does not surprise Anne Hathaway’s favorite flower is the anemone which is available in an assortment of bright colors. Anemones are vibrant wildflowers with delicate sepals which create a cup shape when in full blossom. There are many different meanings connected with the anemone with the pink and red ones that are said to represent being forsaken, white one symbolizing sincerity, and purple anemones symbolizing protection from evil spirits.

Blue Cornflower
Jackie Kennedy Onassis – White Peony and Blue Cornflower
Jackie Kennedy Onassis was viewed as a fashion icon during her lifetime loved for her grace and style while First Lady. She took it upon herself to update the White House grounds and make them stunning again after years of neglect. In doing this, she uses one of her favorite flowers – the blue cornflower. The meaning behind the cornflower is one of devotion, unity, wealth, and prosperity – goals the country was striving for at that time. Jackie’s other favorite flower, the white peony, represents wealth, good fortune, and abundance.

Beautiful In Blue
Jennifer Lopez – White Lilies and Roses
J-Lo’s favorite flowers are white lilies and roses. The white lily is a fragrant, majestic flower with six petals and a variety of symbolic meanings. From purity to strength, fertility, and protection, this beautiful flower commands attention – much like J-lo herself.

Katy Perry – Purple and White Hydrangeas
The beautiful blooms of hydrangea flowers make them the favorite flower of a lot of women. Katy Perry’s favorite hydrangea colors are white and purple. White hydrangeas symbolize purity, peace, and grace, and purple hydrangea symbolize pride, understanding, and royalty. Together, they are a winning combination for the queen of pop.

White Roses
Lady Gaga – White roses
Lady Gaga loves one flower more than others and that is the white rose. Symbolizing love, purity, and peace, placing an arrangement of white roses in your home is supposed to bring about peaceful energy. Linked with the Greek God Adonis, who was responsible for renewal and rebirth, the white rose is also a popular wedding flower.

White Linen