Al's Florist

Al's Florist

Posted by Vicky Rotunno on December 26, 2018 Uncategorized

Happy and Healthy in the New Year

As the new year rolls in, we start to think about how we can make improvements to our health and well-being. At Al’s Florist, we’ve found one of the best ways to do this is by surrounding yourself with s! Plants and s have so many benefits that you’ll feel like a whole new you in no time.

  • Flowers add color to your life. Color encourages creativity, so surrounding yourself with s in your favorite colors will encourage creative thought and energy as you work.
  • Plants and s freshen the air. Because they breath out what we breath in, and vice versa, plants and s are natural air fresheners. Throw in their beautiful fragrances and you’ll wonder why you didn’t fill your home with s sooner!
  • Green foliage is a natural stress reducer. The color green is known to alleviate stress and anxiety, so placing plants and s in your office is a great way to combat these things.

A stunning, eye-catching piece that’s reminiscent of New Year’s Eve fireworks is our Fire & Ice. This modern expression of new year’s wishes features white orchids, red berries, winter greens and pine cones for a fresh, cheerful welcome to the new year.

White orchids, berries, Christmas greens & pine cones in a vase tied with red ribbon.

Brighten your world and set the tone for a fabulous new year with a fresh bouquet of s that invites a healthy new outlook. Talk to the floral artisans at Al’s Florist for even more great floral ideas to enhance your new year.