Al's Florist

Al's Florist

Posted by Vicky Rotunno on December 14, 2020 | Last Updated: November 11, 2024 Flower Symbolism Plants

πŸ€ 10 Flowers, Plants, & Gifts That Attract Good Luck

Bringing a new plant or fresh flowers into your home is always a great way to refresh your space, purify the air, and soothe the soul. Take it a step further, though, by choosing plants, flowers, and accessories that are known for their good-luck qualities. The below list of good luck charms, selected by the experts at the best florist in Hollywood, FL, Al’s Florist, has the top good luck plants, flowers, and gifts to get for attracting wealth, love, and good fortune to your home.

Plants that Bring Good Luck

Lucky Bamboo in ceramic pot

Lucky Bamboo

A popular and decorative plant, Lucky Bamboo is known for attracting wealth, happiness, health, and love. The number of stalks determines the type of luck and energy the plant will bring into your home and life. The more stalks the plant has, the greater the amount of luck, good fortune, and good blessings you will have.

Green jade plant in terraotta pot

Jade Plant

Plants with rounded leaves are known to bring good fortune, and the Jade plant not only has round leaves, but also thick, lush, fat leaves which makes it all the more symbolic of good fortune and success. Often given as a good luck gift to new business owners, the luck of this plant can work just as well in your home. When properly taken care of, this plant can last for generations

Money plant in orange pot on counter

Chinese Money Plant

There are a few different kinds of “money plants,” and the Pilea peperomioides, known as the Coin Plant, has shiny, round leaves that resemble coins. Believed to attract wealth and abundance, it’s important to share the wealth when new offshoots of the plant appear. Passing along the wealth is an important facet of welcoming more prosperity into your life.

Pink and green hawaiian ti plant on porch

Hawaiian Ti

Believed to have magical powers by early Polynesians, the beautiful Hawaiian Ti plant can bring luck and wealth into your home. This colorful indoor plant does best placed in an area with filtered sunlight.

Flowers that Bring Good Luck

dark pink mums in garden


A favorite flower all over the world, Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colors each with its own specific symbolism. In general, though, mums represent longevity and good luck.

yellow and orange marigolds


Bright yellow and gold lush blooms, Marigolds are symbolic of good fortune as they represent a pot of gold one would find at the end of a rainbow. Other cultures believe they can protect your home from evil spirits, which is another type of good luck.

dark pink blooming azleas


Bright, full, and beautiful, Azaleas symbolize abundance, especially as it relates to beauty or intelligence.

Objects that Bring Good Luck

gold elephant figurine with trump up


Elephants are widely considered as symbols of good luck. They are caring and protective of family members and are fiercely loyal and steadfast. Having an elephant figurine in your home is believed to bring good luck and encourage good fortune and protection of the home.

single gold fish swimming in tank up close


The humble, yet regal, little goldfish is loaded with symbolism and known for bringing long life, wisdom, power, peace, growth, prosperity, and wealth. Placed in a bowl or a pond, they represent good luck, abundance, fertility, and harmony.

gold lucky cat figurine with paw up

Lucky Cat

This friendly, smiling lucky cat is said to bestow happiness and prosperity to everyone who crosses her path. Often seen near cash registers, the lucky cat is a common gift for new business owners. If the cat’s left paw is raised, it’s believed to attract customers and good business. If the right paw is raised, it’s believed to attract good fortune and wealth.

If you are looking to enhance your luck this year, then fill your home with flowers and plants and accessories which attract good luck, such as our gorgeous Watercolors bouquet which has abundant hydrangea along with other fabulous florals.