Dania Beach

Flower Delivery to Dania Beach, FL

When you want to make a birthday extra special, turn heads at your spouse's office, or express your wishes for a speedy recovery while your friend is in the hospital, count on Al's Florist to deliver the fresh-cut floral display your special occasion demands. We are proud to offer same-day flower delivery to Dania, FL, surrounding cities and nationwide with all orders backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee! That means your flowers arrive just as fragrant, fresh and beautiful as when they left our flower shop. Browse our selection online to get started: choose from a wide selection of floral, plant or gift ideas for any special occasion. Use the top and side navigation of the website to find the floral, plant, or gift selection you had in mind. Can't find the floral arrangement you're looking for? Feel free to call one of our floral design experts standing by to assist you with flower selections, arrangements, containers, even what to say in the card. For specialized assistance, please call 1 (954) 416-2718. Thank you for choosing Al's Florist for all of your Dania flower delivery needs. 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Hollywood Location

Address:1700 N State Rd. 7
Hollywood, FL 33021

Phone:(954) 987-4450